● SVG动态无功补偿设备
● 太阳能发电,风力发电用逆变器上
● 变频器,UPS,电焊机,电源机车,电动汽车和混合动力车
● SVG equipment
● Solar&Wind Power inverters
● Converters, power supply for Train ,Electronic vehicle and hybrid train.
Remark: Uw is the actual working voltage, Un isthe rated working voltage, and ehotspot is thehottest temperature.
ln the application of capacitors, there are manyfactors that will affect the service life of capacitors, such as voltage, temperature, current, grid harmonics, light or radiation, and some otherunknown factors.The following life expectancycurve only considers the relationship betweenvoltage and temperature. Based on the qualifiedresults of long term endurance test, the life expectancy of the capacitor under differentworking conditions is calculated
lt should take consideration regarding to convectional cooling and outter insulation as long as the heightis exceed 20m.
Othercapacitances, voltages and dimensions are available on request.
Detailed specifications list and parameters query company official website,or call, email inquiries.