分类:Dedicated Capacitors for household appliances
Resonance Capacitors For Induction Cooker
Feature / 特点
● The products are made of metallizedpolypropylene film, non- inductive construction, encapsulated in a plasticlmetal case, sealed with epoxy resin.
● Good frequency characteristics
● Withstand high temperatureHigh institution resistance
● Excellent Self一healing property
● Low dissipation factor
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Applications / 应用场合

● Used for induction cooker resonance circuit.

● 主要用于电磁炉高频谐振电路。

Applications / 应用场合


Outline drawing/外形图及参考尺寸

Technical data/ 性能指标

气候类别/Climate Category40/105/21
适用温度范围/Temp. Range-40℃~+105℃
容量范围/Capacitance Range0.15μF~0.47μF
额定电压/Rated Voltage1200V.DC 1600V.DC
容量偏差/Capacitance Tolerance±5% (J)
损耗角正切/Dissipation Factortgδ≤0.0007 (at 10kHz)
绝缘电阻/Insulation ResistanceCx RS≥5000S
脉冲能力/Withstand Current Abilitydv/dt >500V/us
耐电压/Withstand Voltage1.5Un/10S
引用标准/Reference to Standard符合GB/T 3984.1-2004, GB/T 14472 IEC60384-14, MLC企业标准